

Lifestyle Do you feel that you’re just not being as productive as you’d like?

At the end of the day we always wish we had more time, unfortunately time is a depreciating asset that we can never recover. Throughout the day we may do things that waste time and provide nothing for us or simply make short-sighted decisions like saving 20 minutes by avoiding breakfast. The problem is that these decisions could be impacting our lives more than we realize. This article provides a great list of simple decisions we can start implementing today to lead to better decisions tomorrow. Making our days more productive so at the end of the day we are not faced with a mountain sized to-do list we haven’t even dented. Even if you begin implementing just a few ideas from this list into your routine you’ll likely notice a sizeable change in yourself and your productivity.


Millennial Moment: A Recession is Inevitable, But Should You Care?

A recession is inevitable, the question was never if it would occur but when. Often the word recession strikes fear in most investors, but of course, because nobody likes to see their portfolio fall. Often times we don’t know we are in a recession until it is almost over. This is why we never try to time the market, investors cannot experience highs without experiencing some lows. The best bull markets occur after tough times.


Re-Framing the Next Downturn

“It feels like people have been worried about the next recession every day since the last one was over. I get it. Recessions aren’t fun. But you can’t constantly remain in the fetal position simply because you know the economy and markets eventually have a downside.”


Introducing Box

We are excited to introduce the latest technology on secure file sharing to help simplify your financial life. With that in mind, we would like to share your personal box folder with you. This allows you greater control and freedom when it comes to your important files.


Millennial Moment: 62% of millennials say they’re living paycheck to paycheck

“Almost two-thirds of millennials say they’re living paycheck to paycheck and only 38% feel financially stable, according to a new survey from Charles Schwab. Millennials, more than any other generation surveyed by Schwab, feel the most insecure when it comes to their finances. That’s according to roughly 380 millennials (ages 23 to 38) surveyed for Schwab’s 2019 Modern Wealth report.”


Millennial Moment: Canada’s single-use plastics ban: What we know so far and what you can do to recycle better

Every year there has been new global initiatives to protect our environment and rightfully so. Latest environmental studies show that pollution and carbon emissions will lead to substantial changes in our earth by as early as 2050. It is our duty as humans to reverse the effects that we have had on the earth and prolong its existence for future generations.


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Disclaimer | Assante advisory services are offered through Assante Capital Management Ltd. Assante Capital Management Ltd. is a Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada. The services described may not be applicable or available with respect to all clients. Services and products may be provided by an Assante advisor or through affiliated or non-affiliated third parties. Some services and products may not be available through all Assante advisors. Services may change without notice. Insurance products and services are provided through Assante Estate and Insurance Services Inc.

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